Newtes_1.atr - New_tes2.atr I am happy that you are interested in my reading program. I want to make this reading program public domain. Attached to this e-mail is a zip file of two ATR files. My reading program is on each of them. They are 360 K Spartados format. The reading program is R.COM. The reading program will only read text files that do not have an extension. The first disk has the New Testament Matthew and Mark. The second disk has Luke and John. The translation version is King James. How to run the reading program: First boot the disk. You will first be presented with a directory of files that have no extension. Use the joystick in port 1 to choose the file you wish to read. You are now presented with what I call the main menu on the top of the screen and the beginning text of the file below. The arrows on the top of the screen show what the joystick functions will do. Press the joystick to the right to begin reading. For a brief moment a submenu on the top of the screen will flash showing what the joystick directions will do. The submenu will turn off. If you need more time to read it, just press the joystick button and it will turn on as long as the joystick button is pressed. Press right to start reading, press left to stop. To speed up the reading rate, press down repeatedly until the rate speeds up to what is comfortable with you. To slow down, press up repeatedly. To get back to the main menu, press the joystick button at the same time while pressing up. This will work to get out of all other submenus. When you wish to stop and save your position, go back to the main menu and then press left 3 times. Your position is now saved, the name of the file that you were reading is saved. also your current reading rate and also your color setting. When you boot the disk to read next time you will be brought exactly to the same spot again with the same color and same speed. If you go to another file that you had previously been reading, you will be brought back to where you were at with that file. To return to DOS, go back to the main menu and then press the START key and you will be returned to Spartados. To change color and brightness, there is a submenu for that. If you wish to scan through a text file at a fast scroll, or flip through page by page without scrolling, then choose SCAN in the main menu. If you wish to make the screen blank there is a main menu selection for that also. To turn the screen back on, press the button the joystick and press up. Known bug in this program: I have found that when this program is used with an XF551 disk drive, every once in a while, the program will partially lock up and continue scrolling with disk access stopped. You will find yourself reading text that you have read before several pages back. You can recover from this sometimes by pressing the BREAK key and the program will quite often work after that. This has been an occasional once per several hours problem. I am not sure what the problem is. But, when this program is used with APE, then there are no problems. APE somehow fixed the bug. At some future time, I would like to add the ability to use different fonts for this reading program. If you have some good information on this I would appreciate it. This program was written in 1988-1990 with Lightspeed C and the Atari Assembler Cartridge. Thank you for the opportunity to add this to your Pooldisk II. Regards. Craig Thompson Convert.atr / Reformat.exe Here are the two programs I told you about. Reformat.exe reformats IBM ascii text from any width to the width you specify on the command line. The syntax is reformat 40 input_file_name output_file_name. The other program is on the ATR file. Convert will convert an IBM ascii file (transferred to the Atari by APE) to Atascii so the reading program can read it. The syntax is convert input_file_name output_file_name. Again, thank you for this opportunity to get this program on pooldisk II. I hope to hear if anyone enjoys it. Thanks, Craig.