Searching... File: ALINK20.LZH Size: 179224 Bytes (1401 Sectors) Date: 8-21-97 1:32a Time: 2 Min. at 19200 Owner: Sysop FOX-1 D/L's: 0 ATARILINK 2.0 Paul Sungenis'91 (Watch size,LZH-file is 178Kb!) ------------------------------- Een BBS-pakket voor XL of XE in Basic. Werkt met zowat elke DOS. Max. connect is 2400 baud. Ondersteunt 40 & 80 koloms en (AT)ASCII,ANSI,VT... ______________________________________ BBS-Package for XL or XE in Basic. Works with almost any DOS. Max. connect is 2400 baud. Support of 40 & 80 columns and (AT)ASCII,ANSI,VT... Subcommand : Please standby! File: ANSITRM1.LZH Size: 23901 Bytes (188 Sectors) Date: 8-14-97 3:33a Time: 1 Min. at 19200 Owner: Sysop FOX-1 D/L's: 0 ANSITERM 1.0 R.Sinclair'92 (COM) ---------------------------------- Terminal voor ANSI-translation t/m 9600 baud. Voor MIO, BlackBox, 850, P:R: & SX212. Werkt met DOS 2.x, Sparta (3.x), MyDos etc. Met X-modem & en ASCII up-/download... ___________ $HAREWARE !!! ___________ Terminal for ANSI-translation till 9600 baud for MIO, BlackBox, 850, P:R: & SX212. Works with DOS 2.x, Sparta (3.x), MyDos etc. With X-modem & ASCII up-/download... Subcommand : Please standby! File: ATARIRS.ARC Size: 2068 Bytes (17 Sectors) Date: 10-06-96 12:58a Time: 1 Min. at 19200 Owner: Sysop FOX-1 D/L's: 0 850-RS232 Handler John S.'88 COM-file -------------------------------------- Een vervangende handler voor als je OmniCom gebruikt met een 850. Lost het probleem op dat je RESET moet duwen om te activeren... ______________________________________ Replacement handler for OmniCom when using an 850. Solves the problem you gotta hit RESET to made it active... Subcommand : Please standby! File: AUTO850.ARC Size: 513 Bytes (5 Sectors) Date: 10-06-96 1:03a Time: 1 Min. at 19200 Owner: Sysop FOX-1 D/L's: 0 AUTORUN-850-Creator DOS2.0s (BAS-file) -------------------------------------- Maakt een AUTORUN.SYS die de RS-232 poorten van de 850 activeerd... ______________________________________ Creates an AUTORUN.SYS which enables the RS-232 ports from the 850... Subcommand : Please standby! File: BOBT123.ARC Size: 24166 Bytes (190 Sectors) Date: 12-29-95 1:06a Time: 1 Min. at 19200 Owner: FOX-1 D/L's: 0 BOBTERM 1.23 1993 (COM-file) Robert Puff. (Max.Baudrate:19K2) -------------------------------------- Het communicatie programma voor de ATARI 8-Bitter, XEP-80 Handler. Werkt zeer goed onder Sparta-Dos maar ook wel met andere dossen. ______________________________________ The communication program for the ATARI 8-Bitter,incl.the XEP-80 Handler Works fine with Sparta-Dos, but also with other dos's. Subcommand : Please standby! File: ICET27.ARC Size: 63655 Bytes (498 Sectors) Date: 8-07-96 9:37p Time: 1 Min. at 19200 Owner: Marius Diepenhorst D/L's: 0 ICE-T 2.7 Itay Chamiel (128Kb) -------------------------------- Grandioos communicatie pakket met Full ANSI support, PC-HIGH ASCII set, X, Y, Y-g en Z-modem RECEIVE protocollen. Dialdirectory etc. ______________________________________ Communication-program with full ANSI support, PC-HIGH ASCII set, X,Y,Y-g & Z-modem RECEIVE protocol, Dialdirectory etc... Subcommand : Please standby! File: ICETX271.ARC Size: 64176 Bytes (502 Sectors) Date: 8-07-96 9:12p Time: 1 Min. at 19200 Owner: Marius Diepenhorst D/L's: 6 ICE-T XE 2.71 Itay Chamiel '96 (128Kb) -------------------------------------- ANSI/VT102 80 koloms terminal programma met Dialdirectory, Z-modem download en verder alles wat zo'n pakket nodig heeft... ______________________________________ ANSI/VT102 80 columns terminal program with Dialdirectory, Z-modem download and everything else needed for such a packet... Subcommand : Please standby! File: TERM8016.ARC Size: 32841 Bytes (258 Sectors) Date: 8-07-96 9:05p Time: 1 Min. at 19200 Owner: Marius Diepenhorst D/L's: 0 TERM80 V1.6 Tom Hunt 1995 (Ram-/Hard-Disk recommended) ---------------------------- 80 koloms terminal pakket om naar ANSI BBS'en te connecten. Werkt met Dial directory, herkent automatisch het Down/Up-load protocol etc... ______________________________________ 80 columns terminal packet to connect to ANSI BBS's. Supports Dial directory, recognizes Down/Up-load protocol etc... Subcommand : Please standby! File: TERM8019.SFX Size: 69541 Bytes (544 Sectors) Date: 11-17-96 11:05p Time: 1 Min. at 19200 Owner: Marius Diepenhorst D/L's: 1 TERM80 V1.9 Tom Hunt 1995 (Ram-/Hard-disk recommended) ---------------------------- Als TERM80 1.6 maar dan met Internet support tot 14.400 baud. Voor providers die UseNet/LynxHost/TelNet supporten... ______________________________________ Like TERM80 1.6 but this one supports Internet till 14.400 baud. For use with providers supporting UseNet/LynxHost/Telnet... Subcommand : Please standby! File: VT10SQR.ARC Size: 13719 Bytes (108 Sectors) Date: 11-14-96 11:02p Time: 1 Min. at 19200 Owner: Sysop FOX-1 D/L's: 0 VT-10-SQUARED TERMINAL EMULATOR Antic-PD-037 (needs Translator/DOS) ------------------------------------- Voor de Atari 835/850/1030 interface. Een 80 koloms terminal voor gebruik op 300 & 1200 baud. Inclusief handleiding... ______________________________________ For Atari 835/850/1030 interface. An 80 columns terminal to use on 300 & 1200 baud. Including manual... Subcommand : Please standby! [2] Communications XL/XE: